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“One side of male culture is portrayed with great humor and even greater empathy. It’s rare to see such a euphoric and artistic entertainment. More, please!”
Indrani Das Schmid, Schaffhauser Nachrichten, 13 December 2021

Dance is a mating ritual.

Even today in the age of online dating, dance continues to play a central role in how many of us find a mate. This dance production for four Romeos (one of whom is performed by a woman) explores the idea of dance as a thrillingly up close and personal form of courtship. Each spectator can slip into the role of Juliet and witness the dancers’ struggles to impress — with their artistry, charm, athleticism, funky grooves and at times nothing more than naked desperation.

The audience sits on seating areas distributed throughout the performance space. Their reactions and interactions are visible to all, thus the audience becomes characters in the very performance they are witnessing.

Both both an indoor version (60 minutes) and a street theater version (30 minutes) of the choreography are available for performance.

“Fostering ideas about the power and truth of our bodies, the difficulty and diffidence entangled with desire, and the wishes involved in every courtship and mating approach, Monten shows us the effectiveness of dance as something cheerful, an efficacious icebreaker, liberating and therapeutic… The result is superlative. It also makes you think.”
Veronica Posth, Seeing Dance, 10 April 2019

Indoor version

Outdoor version


Joshua Monten


Konstantinos Kranidiotis
Max Makowski
Noa Van Tichel
Jack Wignall
Léna Bagutti [alternate]
Bryan Doisy [alternate]
Frederik Kaijser [alternate]
Katharina Ludwig [alternate]
Joshua Monten [alternate]
Petr Nedbal [alternate]
David Pallant [alternate]
Solène Schnüriger [alternate]
Jasmin Sisti [alternate]


Guy Cools


Romy Springsguth


Catherine Voeffray


Mirjam Berger


Moritz Alfons


Yannick Mosimann


Petr Nedbal, Jasmin Sisti


Tough Love


Dampfzentrale Bern
Kunsten op Straat/Werkplaats Diepenheim


Pro Helvetia
SWISSLOS / Kultur Kanton Bern
Kultur Stadt Bern
Loterie Romande / Corodis
Burgergemeinde Bern
Migros Kulturprozent
Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung
Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung
Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung
Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art
Ernst Göhner Stiftung
Societé Suisse des Auteurs


19 November 2018 (try-out) — Kunsten op Straat, Diepenheim (NL)
22 November 2018 (try-out) — Laboratoire Suisse de la Danse, Konzert Theater Bern (CH)
30 November 2018 (try-out) — Dampfzentrale Bern (CH)
1 December 2018 (try-out) — Blind Date, Dampfzentrale Bern (CH)
6 December 2018 (2x) — Dampfzentrale Bern (CH) (premiere)
7 December 2018 (2x) — Dampfzentrale Bern (CH)
8 December 2018 (2x) — Dampfzentrale Bern (CH)
17-19 January 2019 (3x) — Dock 11, Berlin (D)
5 April 2019 — Heitere Fahne, Köniz (CH)
12 April 2019 — Schweizer Künstlerbörse, Thun (CH)
10 May 2019 (2x) — Rauschende Körper, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern (CH)
17 May 2019 — Queer Zagreb Festival, Zagreb Dance Center (HR)
2 July 2019 — INFANT Festival, Novi Sad (RS)
1-2 August 2019 (4x) — Theaterfestival Boulevard, ‘s-Hertogenbosch (NL)
8-10 August 2019 (9x) — Buskers Bern Festival, Bern (CH)
12 August 2019 (2x) — Zadar Snova, Zadar (HR)
27-28 August 2019 (2x) — IDEA Festival, Al-Shams Theater, Amman (JO)
15 September 2019 — Festival Opera Prima, Rovigo (IT)
17-18 September 2019 (4x) — CIFCET Festival, El Ghad Theater, Cairo (EG)
20 September 2019 (2x)— Jesuit Cultural Center, Alexandria (EG)
14 December 2019 — Theater Uri, Altdorf (CH)
19-21 January 2020 (2x) — Stadttheater Solothurn (CH)
11-12 April 2020 (4x) — The City of Wings, Ypres (B) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
24 April 2020 — Festival de Danza José Limón, Mazatlán (MX) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
26 April 2020 — Festival de Danza José Limón, Culiacán (MX) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
28 April 2020 — Encuentro Internacional de Danza Contemporánea “Entre Fronteras,” Teatro Universitario, Mexicali (MX) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
30 April 2020 — Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea “Espuma Cuántica,” CEART, Ensenada (MX) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
2 May 2020 — Muestra Internacional de Danza “Cuerpos en Tránsito,” CECUT, Tijuana (MX) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
8-9 May 2020 (6x) — Aufgetischt St. Gallen (CH) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
13 May 2020 — Fête de la danse, Geneva (CH) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
14 May 2020 — Fête de la danse, Neuchâtel (CH) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
15 May 2020 — Tanzfest, Basel (CH) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
15 May 2020 — Fête de la danse, Delémont (CH) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
16 May 2020 — Tanzfest, Zug (CH) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
17 May 2020 (2x) — Tanzfest, Winterthur (CH) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
17 May 2020 — Fête de la danse, La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH) —CANCELLED: COVID-19
21-23 May 2020 (6x) — Festival Internacional de Teatro y Artes de Calle, Valladolid (ES) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
4 June 2020 — Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival, Rialto Theater, Limassol (CY)— CANCELLED: COVID-19
6 June 2020 — Gdańsk Dance Festival (PL) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
17-18 June 2020 — Sibiu International Theatre Festival (RO) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
26-28 June 2020 (6x) — Festival Viva Cité, Sotteville-lès-Rouen (F) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
17 July 2020 — Festival Riposte, Esplanade de Montbenon, Lausanne (CH)
2-4 August 2020 — La plage des six pompes, La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
12 September 2020 — Caffeine Festival, Osnago (IT)
26-27 February 2021 (2x) — Kleintheater Luzern (CH) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
10-11 April 2021 (4x) — The City of Wings, Ypres (B) — CANCELLED: COVID-19
28 April 2021— Centro Cultural Tijuana (MX)
28 April 2021 — Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexicali (MX)
5 May 2021 — Fête de la danse, Pavillon de l’Orangerie, Petit-Lancy/Geneva (CH)
6 May 2021 — Fête de la danse, Théâtre du concert, Neuchâtel (CH)
7 May 2021 — Tanzfest, Tertianum Fischermätteli, Bern (CH)
8 May 2021 — Fête de la danse, Forum St-Georges, Delémont (CH)
9 May 2021 (2x) — Tanzfest, OXYD, Winterthur (CH)
2 June 2021 — Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival, Rialto Theater, Limassol (CY) — CANCELLED: COVID 19
24 June 2021 — Festival de Danza José Limón, Culiacán (MX)
25 June 2021 — Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea “Espuma Cuántica,” Ensenada (MX)
5-6 August 2021 (2x) — La Plage des six pompes, La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH)
24-25 August 2021 (4x) — Sibiu Internațional Theater Festival (RO)
4 September 2021 (2x) — Danza Urbana, Bologna (I)
10 December 2021 — Theater Bachturnhalle, Schaffhausen (CH)
11-12 February 2022 (2x) — Kleintheater Luzern (CH)
4 June 2022 — Camping Théâtral, La Tour-de-Peilz (CH)
8 June 2022 — Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival, Rialto Theatre, Limassol (CY)
6 July 2022 — Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, Place des Halles, Neuchâtel (CH)
21-14 August 2022 (8x) — Chalon dans la rue, Chalon-sur-Saône (F)
12-14 August 2022 (7x) — Aufgetischt St. Gallen (CH)
24 September 2022 — Quelques p’Arts, Annonay (F)
25 September 2022 — Quelques p’Arts, Vernosc-lès-Annonay (F)
21 January 2023 — Theater Hameln (D)
28-29 January 2023 (4x) — Centre Culturel Bleu Pluriel, Trégueux (F)
27-28 May 2023 (4x) — Le Printemps des Rues, Paris (F)
1-3 June 2023 (5x) — Tous dehors (enfin), Gap (F)
24 June 2023 — Les Artoizes, Rouvroy (F)
25 June 2023 — Les Artoizes, Drocourt (F)
13-14 July 2023 (4x) — Soirs d’été, Le Mans (F)
27-28 July 2023 (4x) — Festival Renc’Arts, Dinan (F)
19-20 August 2023 (4x) — Festival de Chassepierre (B)
31 August – 1 September 2023 (4x) — Les Rias Festival, Quimperlé (F)
16 September 2023 — Encore les beaux jours, Les Ulis (F)
16-17 September 2023 (4x) — Festival de rue de Ramonville (F)
17 September 2023 — Encore les beaux jours, Massy (F)
23-24 September 2023 (4x) — Fêtes Romanes, Wolubilis, Brussels (B)
30 September – 1 October 2023 (4x) — Festival Act’art en fête, Coupvray (F)
2-5 April 2024 (7x) — Semaine Extra, NEST, Thionville (F)
26 May 2024 (2x) — Theatre Young, Shanghai (CN)
29-30 Mai 2024 (2x) — Embassy of Switzerland in China, Beijing (CN)
1-2 June 2024 (4x) — OōEli Space, Hangzhou (CN)
2 June 2024 (2x) — Fay’stival, Fay-aux-Loges (F)
28 June 2024 — Festival Urbaka, Limoges (F)
7 July 2024 (2x) — Lachfestival, Houthalen (B)
12-14 July 2024 (6x) — FETA Festival, Gdańsk (PL)
8-9 August 2024 (4x) — Fest’arts, Libourne (F)
11 August 2024 (2x) — Soiron sur scène, Soiron (B)
14 September 2024 (2x) — L’Échappée des rues, Die (F)
21-22 September 2024 (4x) — Festival de Groote Stooringe, Roeselare (B)
12 October 2024 (2x) — Festival Allure Folle, Dunkerque (F)
26 April 2025 (2x) — Dag van de Dans, Aalst (B)
3-5 July 2025 — Šermuksnis Festival, Klaipėda (LT)
10-11 July 2025 (4x) —  Šventoji (LT)

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